Leather impregnation for smooth leather shoes
The Tapir leather impregnation for suede, nubuck and suede shoes is highly water-repellent and has an easy cleaning effect. It really freshens up the leather again and really fires up the colors of the shoe again.
If the shoes are dirty, clean them with water and the Tapir “Out and about” cleaner before spraying. After drying, spray the leather waterproofing onto the leather at a distance of approx. 20-30 cm. The spray pattern is not always uniform and forms droplets.
Immediately spread these droplets evenly over the leather with a small Tapir application brush or the Tapir shine brush and allow to dry for a short time. Then roughen the leather with the Tapir suede brass brush or a foam rubber. Work in one direction.

Leather impregnation for smooth leather
Tapir waterproofing for suede, nubuck and suede shoes is highly water repellent and has a light cleaning effect.